Transgender Bodybuilder, Competes As A Woman


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Interesting... I guess theses sorts of issues are only going to become more and more commonplace. I'm sure William Gibson has covered this at some point in his predictive fiction. I was reminded of it when the person in the vids referred to himself as a 3rd hybrid. What? Thoughts? So does it all come out in the wash (eg. it's now an even playing field because of test blockers? So the upper body and muscular mass of being genetically male isn't an edge in bodybuilding)?
I think there was an interesting point made about olympic standards and possibly requiring him to get further surgeries and wait an additional 2 years before he competes as a woman. I'm trying to figure out his whole situation, though. He looks like a guy, sounds like a guy, refers to himself as a father, but was stalled out as a male bodybuilder. It makes me wonder how much he wants to win as any type of bodybuilder.
I can hardly imagine the consequences of having a transgender competing in a kyokushin competition...

A very good point and an interesting ethical question.

In a combat situation/competition, where does common sense take over from political correctness?

It won't be too long before a transgender boxer/karateke wants to compete.
Again i will say what i think, i would refuse to compete and if they want to prove something they can come outside and compete with me there all this other crap is just to weird for me, if it comes down to this then im not interested any more have your little weirdo clubs among yourselves.
Is that not the same as saying, "your rules are stupid, let's sort this out on the pavement arena?".

Is there a fear in us that puts up barriers?

Is there a fear that a girl, who now competes as a man, can kick our butt and take the gold medal?

Is our own pre-programmed idea on sexuality and taboos stopping up hitting this guy who used to be a girl.

Maybe this is more about us, than about the transgender competitor.
This has already happened in the case of Nong Toom... the movie 'Beautiful Boxer' was based on this.

I've seen her fight both here in Hong Kong and in China. She's quite formidable really. But it did raise a whole lot of questions. Her most recent fight (start of the year I believe) that I saw up in China she lost. To a girl much smaller than her. Though it was a controversial decision (as are most fights where the Chinese are beaten by the Thai's).
I think that practically there could be concerns that the muscle put on over the 30 odd years of having male levels of T, could give an unfair advantage. and ideally for it to be fair it should be like for like.

I also think that all the 'freak' comments show (however unfortunate) how far away acceptance of this type of activity really is.

In regards to combat sports, especially with the lack of hormone testing/steriod testing available. the only practical solution is to run them against men.
It is okay, I respect your opinion... yet, the boundary gets fuzzy very quickly when we want to precisely and exclusively define gender.

Genotype: Chromosomes Y work for maybe 99%, with XX = female and XY male; but what about XXX, XXY, XYY?
And what about XY with female phenotype or XX with male phenotype?

Hormones levels are a gradient with overlap between genders.

Anatomy works well too, except for men with women genitalia, or men with internal testicles...
And any other exception that is smack in the thickness of the border line...

Facial hair, boobs & other secondary sexual traits don't work so well.

Physiology (ability to reproduce, carry a child or fertilize an egg) excluded people that for some reason are not able to...

So, yeah, a black and white cut is fine (using your own idea of what should be for example), but what do we do with the grey if we want to respect their rights and avoid corrupting/compromising the laws?

Yes, well done Sherlock.

I'll think that some of the anti brigade are worried, but unable to clearly explain why.
We have deep seated attitudes when it comes to sexuality, attitudes that have not necessarily been thought out and understood, but almost been handed down to us by our parents, through school, into college and into the workplace.

I agree that it is more straight cut in the bodybuilding world. We have a guy, with a guys strength, genetics, already packed on muscle mass, competing against the girls.

In the fight game though is it different? Are we more worried about loosing to a girl who used to be a guy, and are we worried about that little voice in the back of our head saying, "you are not able to hit this girl?"

So yes, she is not a girl in the biological sense, but that is over simplifying things in my opinion.

How about if this was your own son going through the trans gender re-assignment, would you not want equality then?
No! sorry to offend you but i live in my world and by the way so does everyone else, live and let live.
I'm not offended and of course your own point of view is to be respected.

I just think that often our point of view is clouded. By way of an example Fish of Doom posted a picture on Facebook last week. The left side of the picture showed a gay male couple kissing, the right side of the picture showed a starving African child. The caption was, "if the picture on the left offends you more than the one on the right, you need to reassess your values."
I have nothing against gays, i think that it is more like this is our competition and our rule's sort of thing if you get my drift.
IMO so long as the transition was fully done a la Nong Thoom, it's fine for her to compete as a woman. From what I see of her in the video she isn't THAT jacked. There are cis female bodybuilders bigger than she is.

They did make the point too that she might not even have an advantage because women are judged on different criteria.