Toilet/Mobile Phone Etiquette...

Well I had to. I drop alot of things down the toilet! Hairclips....hairbrushes...toothbrushes....none of these items I use again by the way.
Bare that in mind when answering someone's phone in the office too. Or using someone else's keyboard
I will try not to think about the cheap internet cafe i was at earlier... I think the keyboards were originally light gray, not carbon; and those headphones...

At least i don't borrow other people's phones.
Now you can!

omg - antimicrobial coating for public safety!!

To quote Jason Lee in Mallrats: Would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?
I work in tech support and we're supposed to keep our phones on us at all times. The only place we don't take our phones is to the bog.

Anyway, I've made the mistake of wandering in for a dump with my phone in my pocket, and getting a call whilst squeezing one out. Once, some joker at the urinals piped up and commented to his mate, "Hey, I didn't know we had piped music in here now!"
Why you shouldn't take a phone into public toilets . . .

I needed to pay a visit, so I found a public toilet that had two cubicles.

One of the doors was locked. So I went into the other one, closed the door, dropped my trousers and sat down.

A voice came from the cubicle next to me: “Hi ya mate, how are you going?”

Although I thought that it was a bit strange, I didn’t want to be rude, so I replied “Not too bad thanks.”

After a short pause, I heard the voice again “So, what are you up to?”

Again I answered, somewhat reluctantly, “Just having a quick poo..

How about yourself?”

The next thing I heard him say was …..

“Sorry mate, I’ll have to call you back. I’ve got some idiot in the loo next to me answering everything I say.”
Its not a big deal really. I've rang people when they were going wee wees, and mates of mine have rang other mates only to find out they're taking a dump. I spose it'd only be a problem if you could hear insane amounts of flatulence on the other end.