to buy or not to buy

i like that, i baught a "Strange Days II" by Quicksilver..

i probubly woulda rathered that hurley :( i might get a new one.. although i do like what i have, but we'll see if any1 else has one.
for a basic backpack with an "H" on it, I'll glady spend 54 dollars! Totally worth it!

edit: that was more of a snide comment to the manufacturer than u. that shit is over priced because of the name. If u are really that influenced by brand then sure, go ahead and get it. But just know u can get something of the same quality for less.
honestly, i spent 40 bucks a couple days ago on a new planet eclipse backpack.

THey do so good on their gearbags, that i'm sure that quality transfers to their backpacks
i too have the PE backpack, its very nice, but the top pocket (normally for CD player) is only like 2 inches deep and it kind of pissed me off
I will never buy any Hurley, Fox, and if I skated I would never buy Element. Those, in my mind are the three poser brands.

And in the end it's going to be ruined, so buy something the same quality and cheap
u guys have no clue whats in these days. this is how i roll.

You should buy it :tup:

I just use the backpack i get from my volleyball club...The guy who owns Quicksilver's son goes to my school and club so we are sponsored by them. They make awesome backpacks.
fox racing used to make good quality racing last pair were still good. the rest of them now are turning into shit. :crash: