To baseball fans, your thoughts on Derek Jeter's false HBP?


New member
Jun 27, 2008
First things first, I'll give my thoughts eventually. But to Tampa Bay Rays fans, here is what your own manager said after the game about it

“If our guys had did it, I would have applauded that. It’s a great performance on his part,” the Tampa Bay manager said. “Several players are very good at that. And again, I’m not denigrating it. If our guy does it, I’m very happy with that if we end up getting the call. … Fortunately it didn’t cost us.”

I'm a Yankee fan, and first things first I am going to say what Jeter did wasn't exactly right, however I will also say he did not do anything wrong. As Jeter and Maddon both mentioned, it's part of the game. Next thing I will say is that the main thing, as Maddon said, it did not cost the Rays the game. After seeing the play, I was hoping the Yankees would win by a ton of runs so the 1 run wouldn't make the difference, or if not, just letting the Rays win lol

In basketball I've seen many players fake fouls, especially Reggie Miller. From what I have heard in soccer, I've heard many people fake injuries or pretend they are in more pain than what is really shown.

I think the main thing that has to be learned from this is that instant replay must be added. There is absolutely no way these type of actions should be allowed in the postseason. I tihnk this season has been the Year of 2 things. The Year of Pitching, and The Year of Bad Umpiring.

I was shocked to see Derek Jeter of all players do it. I didn't really lost rspect for him, especially when you can say the oppoising manager of a division rival gives him credit for what he did

Your thoughts on it all? Personally I don't think "cheating" is the right term for what he did, but maybe more of "unsportsmanlike"
Cheaters never prosper.
here is the caption when his BAT was hit by pitch

I think it was purely unsportsmanlike conduct by Jeter, but then again, it's typical behavior to manipulate the umpires by the Yankees. They gripe about every pitch. Jeter is just following the same pattern we've seen for years. If they don't like something, they cry and moan. If they can get away with cheating, they will, as Jeter did, put on an act worthy of an Oscar. Maddon should have lambasted Jeter, not give him credit for getting away with it. Next time it could happen in the playoffs and cost some other worthy team a win.
it doesn't bother me, such a specific situation is far too uncommon to get all huff puff over... not only that but the Rays won the game anyway so it isn't like the play effected the outcome, in fact it made the game more intense.

oddly enough though, I still think replay should have been enforced... it was a tense and meaningful game and we're on the verge of post season play and the last thing I want is a repeat of last year's embarrassing performance by umpires.

I don't hold anything against Jeter for doing it, I play baseball and I tell you one thing... I'd do it too.