Tips for Marriage Success


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
The divorce rate still hovers around 50 percent in the U.S. The reasons that marriages end so easily are numerous — from marrying too young, too financial struggles to infidelity.

Jamillah Lamb and husband David — authors of Perfect Combination: Seven Key Ingredients to Happily Living & Loving Together — offer these secrets for marriage success.

Enjoy life: Some couples won’t go to theme parks until they have children. But letting one’s inner child out to play with their partner’s inner child strengthens a relationship’s bond.

Forgive the small stuff: No one is always right, and no one wants to be around someone who always needs to be right.

Appreciate individuality: Everyone needs to have their own identity, including those in a long-term relationship and couples who work together. David enjoys his comic book collection, while Jamillah keeps a library of romance novels.

Do not misdirect anger: In psychology, it’s called transference; dumping your bad day on someone else. It is poison for any relationship.

Remember your love: Couples may fight, but guard what you say. There’s no need for ugliness even when you disagree.

Post from: EveryJoe
