Tips for Marching Bells?


Jun 1, 2008
I am in the pit for my high school marching band and I love it, but I'm deeply disappointed that I can't march. I came to high school as a freshman looking forward to being on the drumline, but luck wasnt on my side when I was saddled with Bass Drum #2.

I loathed being a bass drum and switched to pit ASAP. I've met some of my closest friends through it and do not intend to leave. However, I would love to be able to march, but I can't play anything else besides percussion and I'm not going back to bass drum.

I want to look into marching bells and xylophones and whatnot. How much do they typically weigh? Which brands are the best? Any other tips I need to know? I really want to march in a show before I leave high school and this seems like my only choice. Thanks!