Tips for long haul air travel

What I would recommend on long trips is:

-Take your shoes off (long legs, if you can fit in a without this don't bother)
-Sound canceling headphones if you can get them. These drown out the engines and even screaming children. I had two toddlers trying to out-cry each other on my last flight and I couldn't hear a thing.
-Flex your legs isometrically or walk around. You might look silly doing squats or lunges, but you will feel much better for it.
-Food of your own.
-And of course bring something to read/do.
1. Tell your doctor you are unable to sleep and it's effecting you work.
2. Keep the pills
3. Sleep the trip

Unless you can fly a plane what harm can it do?
For my 20 plus hour flight I just take a few books, magazines, a laptop and a couple of portable DVD players with me
Keeps me going. Oh...and as already mentioned. You MUST join the mile high club.
I fly Air New Zealand going from Australia to America and back because each seat has in front of it a screen on which you can watch a bunch of relatively new movies, TV shows, or play video games.

There's a "breakthrough" type game where you hit a little disk and it smashes through a wall, richocheting everywhere. That's a good mind-number.

Hours melt away.

Good airline, I reccomend it.
--Most places will allow you to bring an EMPTY water bottle through Security. If the fountain water is potable, you can refill it in the airport before you leave.
--Even if you are very short, taking off your shoes and wearing warm socks instead is a blessing.
--Do fly Business or First Class if you can afford it.
--If you can't afford it, also pack a small bottle of lotion with your lip balm, that will also help with dried-out skin.
-- Consider doing what you can to replicate Business / First Class accomodations: wash up at the beginning & end of the flight. Have your amenities (lotion, lip balm, eye cover, and headphones / ear plugs) in your carry-on)
-- Even in Business or First class, bring extra water. There's never enough.
Has no one mentioned the mile high club yet?

I tend to fly airlines which have good entertainment systems i.e. loads of films and full control over them, as a result I usually end up watching around 6-8 films in a row, keeps me occupied. The problem with doing the film marathon is that your eyes start rolling out of your sockets and you have difficulty remembering what you watched as it seems to get rolled in to one massive mess.

Back in my uni days, I used to go clubbing before my flight, so that by the time I managed to get on the plane I was so shattered I would pass out before takeoff and sleep a good 10-12 hours.

And then there is Valium or Valerian root if you just wanna comatose your way through it.
Take something for bloating and trapped wind.

I made the mistake of taking some of those herbal sleeping pills on a flight to Shanghai and I spent a good 9 hours in some of the worst pain I've ever felt all because of trapped wind possibly caused by those pills (a mate was also suffering after taking those pills).

Take a good book, ipod loaded with movies and tracks as you might find that the inflight entertainment might not be working as we did on an 11 hour flight back from Hong Kong!
The first flight is overnight, so the cabin will be set up to sleep. I don't have an issue sleeping on planes, I find it fairly easy and the noise of the engines lulls me to sleep! (I'm serious about that). But, as I said, I don't find the sleep all that refreshing, it's just a time killer really.
As for in flight entertainment, I don't do much of that. I remember feeling, very, very sick on a flight last year for the final 5 hours. All I did was drift in and out of consciousness, retch and watch the route-map. Now, that is pretty much all I watch! Especially interesting when flying over Afghanistan. The rest of the time I spend reading, dozing, thinking and wandering around. I can barely sit still for 30 minutes. All the stretching in the world is no substitute for getting off the damn plane after 13 hours though.
Another thing I started to do is smearing my nostrils with vaseline, seems to help a lot with dryness.
And those eye masks. I ended up sat next to the only person in the section who wanted to read whilst everyone else was trying to sleep. Thank God for the eye mask!