Thought of the Day

Um, that's even more awesome. A couple of guys at the gym and myself always joke around about going to a costplay event sometime (we're not really joking, I would love to go as Jiraiya : P). We try to come up with ways to get our wives to go.
let me know if you need any cosplay-making resources, as my brother has tons of links i could send your way.

re: wives: maybe go as a team? find something you both like and go as characters from there. here in BA there's a couple that goes to every single convention here as catwoman and batman
also why the hell is the word batman linkified when i didn't put a link on the post? is it something on MAP or do i have to run a virus scan?
It's part of the new software and the small income it makes helps keep MAP afloat.

No need to run any virus scans.
"Significant Other" "Spouse" "Husband" "Wife"

All synonyms for "ha ha ha, you made plans? Screw you and your plans. Allow me to be a monkey wrench thrown into your machinery with my attitude, expectations, and own plans I conveniently didn't share with you!"

Oh the joy. One day she's going to get suspicious and log on to MAP and read the stuff I post . . . . does MAP have a Written Will thread yet?
Hey now, it's not my fault it stopped embedding. The Internet gods are angry with me.

Here is the image from another source:
I have started to write nearly 30 posts on MAP the last two hours while browsing through different threads but didn't post any of them. All of them were sarcastic, and a few of them would have gotten me close to being banned for inappropriate humor or at least given me unwanted attention by green and yellow names. Some of them were a couple paragraphs long, some of them one liners.

I think i deserve a MAP award for my discipline in adherence to ToS today, especially being as caffeinated as I am currently.