Thought of the Day

I can't wait until I'm living in an area where you don't have to treat rush our traffic like it's a natural disaster and "stay indoors" until it passes, only leaving in the event of an actual emergency.
Pffft, I wouldn't even drive anywhere if I lived on the VA side of the beltway. I would rather drive through DC!
I think I'm going to get myself a pair of American Flag pants as a reward for when I meet my fitness goals. While I won't look bodybuilder big (which makes a clown suit appropriate for gym wear, just because) but I will definitely be in shape enough looking to start wearing ridiculous stuff. Opinions? They also have Union Jack pants too, I may splurge and buy them as well, I mean . . . why not?!
I support this entirely. Please grow a stach and say outlandish things to people while candidly filming their reaction too.
on the subject of gymwear i've bought some more eyecatching things online recently, to scare the guys if/when i start lifting more than them lol, it has to be pink!
Somewhat crushed that I have so clearly missed this chance for more MAP silliness for the past few months!

Stupid triplets.....

Anyway, my thought - the most beautiful sound in the world to anyone commited to the joy of mischief is someone uttering the word 'really?' with that delightful upwards inflection. At that moment a glorious, almost infinite, range of possibilities emerge.

Read a book!

I hate waking up in the morning after a workout that makes you sore. You force your eyes open and it feels like the entire day you'll be half limping, dragging one foot in front of the other. Then you start moving around a bit and you feel better. Why your body feels it's necessary to completely demotivate you for life in the first 10 minutes of the day is beyond me.
‎"Sometimes in life you hit speed bumps and things get bad, but sometimes you hit them so hard that you soar through the air surpassing your greatest expectations.” - Pierce Hawthorne
When you half-arse write a rough draft essay for your English class, writing a sentence or two at a time while you're engaged in MAP Chat, then turning it in and getting it back with hardly any corrections and good peer reviews. I didn't even read over what I wrote. Part of me wants to think "well, maybe you're just a good writer" but the realist part of me is saying, "wow, standards are low at this university."
" When you think beyond your limits... It becomes your Dream. When you accomplished it... It becomes the Dream for others."