This question is for venting?

i have already answered this question but i need to vent now..
why do i have so many problems?well i chose it..i have finally taken off my make up but now i am bored to wear my pijamas argh why is my belly growing?i dont like it ..its weird all have started noticing it :/ my belly is hurting me so much arghh

ah thx for allowing me to vent i needed that
Good night all well its night for me here lol
If just worked from 10 in the morning to 6 oclock today. It was packed and crazy! I missed lunch break. The manager yelled at all of us for no reason at all. And i get home and my dads in a bad mood. Ughhhhhhh!!!!

Tell me your problems....
I'm an old fat s.o.b. who blames the media & society for letting the rest of the country believe fast food is preferable than home cookin'. And the pharmaceutical companies have the solution that if your heart is clogged up take a pill designed to correct that. And if you can't get it up, take a pill for that too. Then wash it all down with a tall cool brew from Sam Adams while sittin at the bar at Appleby's gnawing on some hot wings. The take your fat butt home in a fuel suckin giant suv that you financed to death. After you pay for all the crap you just ate with a credit card to get reward miles on an airline to a destination you will never go to. Wake up at 0400, stagger to work, & sit at a computer while pretending to work answering Y!A.

How's that?
my bf blew me off for no apparent reason.
I haven't seen him in a week and we were supposed to be meeting up today but when i called him he said he has to can't see me today and hasn't answered his phone all day (not that i've been calling him a lot, like 4 times all day but still not one call back)
why is this happening?
I hate people that are selfish, arrogant, proud,stupid, immature and people that love twilight the whole thing is stupid and I wish people can shut up about the whole thing :(
HELLOOOOOOOOO is what I feel like saying to someone in the room right now but can't. If I did they would probably just keep staring at the tv and go "hi"

LOL. thanks.
Im mad because Im disabled and Im trying very hard (without much success (and only a little) to get work and support myself as much as I can and the government makes me live on Ninethousand five hundred dollars a Year and They decided to JUST give us a 2% raise
Like what the hell is that going to do for me !!!!!!!!
oh my gosh, ok:

1.I hate it when questions like this get deleted because "Y!A is not a place to take out personal vents.. blah blah blah. It's like really? What's the harm in these types of questions?? It's not like its hurting or offending anyone!!

2. Why do people block my way all the time? Is it really necessary to stand in a position the makes your ass stick out so much that it blocks four lockers all at one time?>

3. Teachers should stop complaining about grading papers and homework all the time! They are the ones who assigned the 2 essays in one week and then graded them down in painful detail, until the highest mark in the whole class was a C+! They should remember that what takes them 5 minutes to grade, takes us 5 hours to write

4. My mom is really dumb. She doesn't want to buy a flat screen TV because there might be too many people in the store, she wants to buy it tomorrow for like 400$ more.

5. And people should stop making fun of me just to have a conversation topic. It's like how long does it take a joke to get soo freaking old to you?? Yeah, I chew on my straw... wow we don't have to spend like 3 days talking about it, do we? Seriously...

6. Why is my best friend so conceited? I love her to death. But her stupid kissy face isn't going to get her on America's Next Top Model, contrary to her beliefs. She's not the only pretty girl out there, and it's not like anyone who goes on ANTM becomes successful anyways.

7. I hate how I have a huge crush on this guy who like flirts with almost every girl, even after he says that he will do anything if i go to the dance with him. Since I said no, he almost completely ignores me and always tries to make me jealous, and I like him even more cause of that. I guess its kind of karma since I do that all the time, but still..

8. Why can guys never get the hint? When I say I don't like you, and want you to go away that means exactly that. It's not cause I'm shy, or feisty. Trust me, it's not! Did I really have to dump my yogurt on to you for you to find that out?