This kid getting a baseball bat as a present will make your day


Jun 17, 2007
Everyone remembers the best gifts they received growing up. For me, it was a Nintendo 64. I was so excited to open it and play it, that nothing else mattered. No other gift I opened that day could compare to the Nintendo 64. I don’t remember crying tears of happiness, but it’s possible that happened.
The problem with my story is that it’s not all that relatable. Sure, kids who were the same age may have a similar reaction, but that’s about it.
That’s what makes the following video so great. One dad decided to surprise his son with a baseball bat for his birthday, and … well … you should just enjoy the video.

So, yeah, did it get dusty in your house? Did you start chopping onions real quick to hide your tears? It’s fine, no one who has seen the above video will blame you.
We should note that the video is actually from July 2015. For whatever reason, it’s picked up steam and gone viral over the past few days.
What’s so great about this is that enjoying the game of baseball transcends generations. The video can be loved by a 12-year-old currently playing in Little League, and a 90-year-old grandma who used to play catch with her kids.
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It’s clear that the young boy in the video loves baseball, and his enthusiasm and emotions definitely rub off on anyone watching. Hit some home runs with that new bat, young man.
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Chris Cwik is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik