This is a religion and dating question . . .?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Is there still this much division between Catholics and Protestants?

I met this guy and we went out several times. We had so many things in common, and each time we were together we both had a great time. (I know that I did, at least. He said that he did.)

This guy is very religious, which he told me from the start. He's Pentecostal, and he hopes to become a pastor one day.

I am religious myself. I read the bible and go to church, but I'm Catholic and I don't know a whole lot about the Protestant religion in general.

I actually went to a few services with this guy when he asked, and I enjoyed myself and told him so.

However, he recently called me and told me that he couldn't see me anymore because it just wouldn't work out because I'm Catholic.

Does that seem like a valid reason to dump someone??? I mean, I know he wants to become a pastor, but I was very supportive of that. Can a future pastor not date a Catholic girl?

Or did this guy just use this as an excuse to get rid of me for whatever reason?

It's so strange. I swear, there were no warning signs at all. I'm so upset over this, any advice would help!

Oh, and by the way, he's in his late twenties. I'm a litte younger, but still over twenty.
Religions are meant to maintain "purity" by keeping outsiders away. It's part of their design.

At least you guys don't drill holes through teach others' kneecaps like in Northern Ireland.