This has never happened to me before, as a writer, and I'm not sure what to do?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I have two characters who've developed together in my mind, and who I love. But I've no plot for them! Usually I build a plot and create characters to suit it, but this is the other way round. I've tried coming up with a plot for them to fit into, but I can't find one that needs two protagonists, and I'd really hate to separate my girls. What should I do?
Um... put the characters in a short story, so then you feel like they're already taken. Then think of a new plot with new characters and write that book. Then, in your next book, add the old character in.
I think that's one way to solve it. :/
Good Luck!
i like da kinds of stories that take on a road trip, when they leave their regular lives to journey to new and different places and learn something new about themselves and each other....hmmmm
Don't think of the characters when you think of a story. Only have a story in mind. Once you have a story, fit the characters in.

Don't try to fit a story in with the characters. That usually gets a writer no where!

Good luck :)