This £150 fuel payment if you receive child benefit?


May 17, 2008
Correct me if I am misunderstanding things here but I am apoplectic over this:-

The idea in principle of paying the money to families is long as they need it. To pay this money to middle class parents as a 'vote catcher' is abhorrent. What about the single people or couples who are struggling to keep warm?

If you are one of them how do you feel about my mates who earn so much they were able to buy the house next door to 'control' the neighbours? They spend £800 per month on food and throw the majority away.

I'm no political animal but if I were going to vote Labour as a lesser of three evils this would lose my vote.

Un-bloody-believable I can barely type because my hands are shaking that much.

To top it all my husband and I worked out our strategy for keeping warm this winter by buying blankets for the back of the sofa and buying a load of logs from a farmer so we can reduce the central heating. We were going through £80 pm last winter as we have original windows can't afford new.

So while I'm cleaning the fire out every morning like my Nan would have done and 'closing' unoccupied rooms off at least I can keep warm knowing the most financially advantaged will be lovely and cosy.

Do you agree with this?

I think it should be capped at anyone kids or no kids earning under £20k
And that would count us out as a family even though the fuel prices last year caused us major financial stress.