Things you used to believe

screw u I was going to make this thread today.

But anyway. i use to think (when I was very little) a blow job was when a girl just blew air on on ur dick.
A little while ago, I kind of had a little bit of an epiphany if you will.

When we learned about the ancient Greeks and whatnot, we pretty much mocked them for their polytheistic beliefs. What makes any religion today more credible than the ones back then?
Like I said before, there is a difference between an agnostic who is a theist, and an agnostic who is an atheist.

Don't start this in here...
Then they wouldn't be true agnostics.

I'm just going to stop before this starts getting a bit out of hand.
lawl, this battle cannot be won by anybody, EVER.
Or we could just goto war over it to see who has the bigger penar's.

*edit - I grew up in a family that was torn between Christians and Jahovah's Witnesses, and my immediate family (mom, dad, sister) all were neutral. My uncles and my dad don't hardly talk to eachother, my grandmother just died and she didnt even want her own son to be at her funeral just because he got a divorce or something (against jahovah rules or something) Religions is CRAZY!!! You cannot ever win, ever ever ever...
We could take it to ST:R/P if you would like, but I would like to just say that an agnostic theist is somebody who chooses to invest faith in the existence of God, knowing that there is no way that the existence of deity is impossible to prove by human methods- therefore they are agnostic as well as theists.

I would win.

You may notice this isn't even a debate about the existence of God, it's about the definition of a theological belief. :p
i have the same beliefs as you, which is where you may be mistaken, but i simply consider myself agnostic, who is an undecided/unproven non religious person. I'll only know when i be dead, and i may not even know then either!

And you cant win, there can never be a winner in a religion/god based topic.
I went from atheist, to agnostic, and now I'm pretty sure I'd consider myself religious. Still a skeptic, but it's good to have faith in something. Mostly I think the teachings of the Bible are excellent, but everything just got out of control and misconstrued as time went on.