things you do that you wonder if anyone else does


Mar 17, 2008
in shower i fold my arms to collect water then drop it.

i stop the microwave at 1 second so i don't have to hear the beep.

when i'm walking on a patterned floor i make a repeating pattern with my steps by putting my foot over the same part of the tile on a different tile.

if i'm in a car i imagine a man running along side the car jumping over things.

do you do any of these? post your own as well.
Oh and when I think of a really good Facebook status...I have to type it in the notes on my phone or I'll forget it (sad sad yes I know) *hangs head in shame* :eek:
in shower i fold my arms to collect water then drop it.

I do this

i stop the microwave at 1 second so i don't have to hear the beep.

This as well

when i'm walking on a patterned floor i make a repeating pattern with my steps by putting my foot over the same part of the tile on a different tile.

And this

if i'm in a car i imagine a man running along side the car jumping over things.


I also assess each enviroment i am in for a length of time to see how it would survive in the case of a zombie attack :eek3:
also i do tutorials in my head of how to do everyday things like make coffee, and i plan and rehearse conversations in my head or explain something so that if someone ever asks me a certain question i have an answer prepared.

when i'm alone in the kitchen or living room i get naked and make a really evil face.

I juggle shampoo/conditioner bottles if I'm waiting for the shower to be free. :rolleyes:


When I was younger on buses I used to imagine that there was a big razor attatched to the side of the bus cutting all the grass it passed.
I do the tile pattern thing...

I also used to mentally say goodnight to everyone I loved before I went to sleep.

I cringe when people bend the spines of books or turn over the pages to mark where they are.

I check inside my wardrobe every night - not sure what for!

Can't think of anything else right now- there's probably loads though!
I've heard all of your before, OP. Possibly on 4chan :ninja:

When I hear people talking and I'm not pre-occupied I sort of contract a muscle in every finger for each syllable. It's satisfying if you finish on your pinkie.
-I like to organise the clothes in my wardrobe by colour.
-When I'm on my own listening to music I mime along to the words.
- When I see people in the street I make up interesting stories about them.
- I type out posts on ihav and then think they sound stupid so I don't send them.
- When I'm having a drink with my food the ratio has to be perfect i.e if I'm having a glass of milk and some chocolate, I don't like finishing the chocolate before my milk.

Yes, I'm just a freak tbh. I do the shower thing as well!
Hmm, I like out for fields which would be good to gallop through. Same for sledging. Even when they are so so far away and I doubt I'll ever be able to. I do that collecting water in my arms and dropping it too, well I did before we got a power shower :D: :eek:: and the facebook status thing sometimes.