Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

chocolate (good chocolate, not that nasty, thrice cursed american crap)
snow days
the combination of the above two
scoring on that really sweet head-kick
fuzzy socks
hot chocolate
gear.. any kind of gear... tkd, camping, sports... i'm such a gear-head
hmmm what makes me go mmmmmmm sorry su for the mention but boobs dont make me go mmmmm i dont really notice them lol i dont stare (not a perv) thats the only think i have resisted from will lol j/k now the girl i Fancy's bum makes me go mmmmm lol oh and a great cup of tea
I saw the post before it was snipped!

Hiroji, there's spreading the love, then there's erm.....that!

tho actually tonight's made me jump up & down & laugh & dance like an idiot...
I've recently had to quit everything that made me go mmmmmmmm.

There was NOTHING like sucking in a big lungful of tobacco, slamming down half a bottle of beer, and then slowly releasing the smoke. Best way to relex after a long day at work .