Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Go in to your properties for the graphics card and see what type you have. Chips affected by the materials problem Nvidia was faced with were the G84, G86 GPUs and possibly the G92 and G94 GPUs. Some others might also be affected.

If overheating is the problem and if you have one of these chips in your laptop, you're on borrowed time and should start saving for a new laptop. You should be able to squeeze a little more life out of it by avoiding heavy use. So no attempting video transcoding. Shutdown properly when you're done using it. And just generally avoid over taxing it.

The laptops I had would suddenly get very hot. Like cooking your thighs through to the bone hot.
Could be you just need a new fan. Although I think you should invest in a new laptop anyway. My wee tiny backup PC I'm still stuck on isn't that old.
i suppose replacing a laptop fan should be fairly cheap, maybe worth a try. cut out during a youtube video earlier today its still okay for dvds though, just nothing video related online, also tried other browsers as firefox uses a lot of memory
It only does it with on-line videos? So does your laptop suddenly get really warm? Sounds a bit weird it only cuts out with on-line video.

EDIT: Check your stand-by settings. If this isn't happening with DVDs but does happen with streaming video it might just be that. Otherwise if the fan seems to be working, buy some thermal grease and replace that before forking out for a new fan. It should cost around £3 to £5. It might just be the thermal grase isn't doing it's job properly as it's so old.
wow, bit of a late one there! i've been trying to get to bed at a more sensible time, though lately my laptop has decided for me by shutting down.

is thermal grease that white stuff that goes on top of the chip before the heatsink?
That moment when you realise that if you'd worked with someone before becoming their friend, you wouldn't have been their friend!

I've been doing some work with a friend of mine recently, and in the past I've listened to her moan and whine about her co-workers, bad mouthing them all over the place. From what she says she's the only one who holds the group together and everyone else is useless. Now I've seen her in action, I see that she is the one with the major attitude problem and a chip on her shoulder a mile wide. She sulked through a meeting on Wednesday, not listening to a word that was being said, because she has issues with the person chairing it.

She spent the week moaning about how much she has to do and that everyone dumps everything on her, then stropped at me because apparently she couldn't do anything because she was waiting on me finishing something first. The thing was, we discussed in the meeting (that she wasn't listening in) that on Friday morning I was going to try to sort out some database issues (and it was in the minutes), so then she was all 'who told you to do that? Now I've got nothing to do, there's no point me being here' and then she stropped off home early. I can't believe what a bad attitude she has in work!
Yes. Basically it helps to stop hot spots on the chip forming by allowing the heat to dissipate through the heatsink more evenly by filling in any tiny gaps and imperfections on the surface of the chip package and the heatsink.
LOL! Sounds like a woman in my work place. Although I was never friends with her. She bitches and moans all day about everything. Including holiday entitlements and restrictions. Currently there is an issue with people taking Fridays off because it always seems to be the same people that get Fridays off. Which is one of her favourite things to moan about.

Guess who has had nearly every Friday off this year and has nearly every Friday off booked into JULY!?!

This will sound terribly sexist. But women, in my experience, make the work place a whole lot more complicated than it needs to be. I also find that people in general who moan and complain a lot about how much they have to do. Aren't really doing a whole lot of anything useful.

They make a lot of fuss and noise that makes them look like they're taking on a lot of responsibility. And 9 times of 10 management swallow it. Mostly because in my opinion, many managers do the same.

Is this person overly enthusiastic about jargon and acronyms by any chance Frodo?
The whole department is full of acronyms and jargon, so she's no more enthusiastic about them than anyone else. I suspect part of her problem is an ego thing. Almost everyone else there has a PhD or are medics and she's a humanities graduate with a postgrad diploma. I think she doesn't like being on the clerical pay scale, because she helps proof read journal articles (but only with the language, not with the science), at the end of the day, she's a glorified data entry clerk, but wants to be more important.

She bitches and moans about people going to conferences to present but then she's not actively involved in research, except for pulling together some stats into prearranged forms and reports, so I don't see why she things she should be getting to go to conferences.

I can sort of see how a few people wind her up, but then I can also see why, with her attitude, she says certain people don't like her. She really can be a right sulky child sometimes.

I worked with both men and women who make things way more complicated than they need to be so I don't think it's just a female thing.
LOL! That would be funny! She'd probably eat anti-foodie! Mind you, I suspect part of her problem is diet and lifestyle related, she is overweight, drinks a huge amount of diet coke, doesn't eat that healthily and never does any exercise and she also has some health issues that are probably stressing her out (for which I am sympathetic).

The other thing that really annoyed me on Friday was that when she said she had nothing to do I worked through lunch to try to catch up with stuff for her and then she went home anyway. GRRRRRR!!!!
Ah right. The wanna be that won't go do the training and leg work to get to where they want to be. Is it my imagination or do you seem to attract these people?
It must be my kind, giving, tolerant, sympathetic nature!!!!

The thing is, she is intelligent, she's just not that motivated to climb the ladder (which I can understand), but then if she's not prepared to put in the time to climb the ladder, she shouldn't moan about those who are.
I never work through lunch for anybody. I've done the odd tea break. Work late a few times. But never lunch. I also find it difficult to muster any sympathy for people who don't look after themselves who then find their health suffering.

I mean my body isn't a temple by any standard. But I manage to work in a decent amount of exercise to my daily routine. Something that really winds me up sometimes are the women in work with their diets who crow about their 15 minute waddles around the block at lunch time. Who then baulk at the idea of walking to work or doing some actual exercise. Even though they live closer than me.

The current diet fad where I work is Weight Watchers and it's "sins". Now that's not going to create an eating disorder of any sort is it? You're a sinner Frodo if you eat cake!
Nothing wrong with a waddle round the block at lunch time!

I'm like you, I'm not good at being sympathetic to people who don't look after themselves. This friend of mine was amazed the other day because, shock, horror, I had Camembert for lunch - she was all 'ooh, I wouldn't have thought you'd eat fatty food'. I told her there is nothing wrong with fat (except for the partially hydrogenated man-made crap) and that I don't worry about the calories because I do lots of exercise!

The ridiculous thing is that she now drinks decaf coffee because she thought the caffeine was bad for her, but hasn't stopped the 2 litres of diet coke a day habit!

I wouldn't normally work through lunch unless I was making up time for getting in late, having to go early or having an appointment, but I thought she might appreciate it - apparently not, so I won't put myself out for her again. I'm just wondering if she'll pull the 'I couldn't finish my work, because Frodo let me down' card when her manager gets in on Monday (she was on holiday last week).

Oh, and I'm quite happy being a cake sinner!