Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Have you considered amputation?!

I've got no energy at the moment, constantly feel like falling asleep or alternatively like devouring a blue whale!
Well the thought of asking nurse Frodo to come make me better did cross my mind. BTW Blue Whales are fattening.
Only if you eat too much of them...

I'm not a very good nurse, sympathetic treatment of the sick is not my strong point!
Managed to get face-planted by a 6kg medicine ball last night at the gym during my warmup. It bounced off the bar a couple of feet above my head at an unexpected angle and I missed the catch. Swollen/bruised lip and nose

Also my shoulders seem to be too stiff to allow me to do Overhead Squat. I couldn't get a proper squat and keep my arms anywhere near above my head with an unloaded 20kg bar, they just drifted forward as my back pitched. This was a big disappointment, as it looks like a great exercise
can you do shoulder dislocations with a towel or a stick? also, how wide is your grip? overhead squats are quite tricky to do, and hsoulder mobility by itself is a tricky subject. are you pressing your shoulder blades together?
I just realized where my reoccurrent head cold came from.

You know those decongestant sprays?

Well, I was using one, and I'd almost weaned myself off it...but I forgot to sterilize the nozzle.

So I kept giving myself the same infection over and over.

For someone with a high IQ, I manage to do some impressively freaking stupid things...
can you do it with a broom stick?

also shoulder dislocations are an awesome movement for shoulder mobility and power snatches will help build the muscles used to stabilise the bar.
No idea. Possibly it's not the same cold, just traces of snot collecting pathogens, LOL.

I only noticed because I got congestion while sleeping, used that spray, and immediately got an infection again.
A cold is a virus. You get it, you build immunity, you can't get it again. next time it's a different cold, like Heraclitus and his river.

I doubt it's anything to do with your decongestant.

I'll check next time I'm at the gym and there is someone else there to watch. My back squat tends to be less upright than most