Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

tony107, as reminder of the TOS.

1.13 Drugs:
Conversations relating to manufacturing and "hyping" (promoting or sensationalizing) of drugs and drug use are not welcome at MAP.
Good. Forcing yourself to eat more than your body needs is never a good thing. It can lead to all kinds of nasty gastric issues.
Yeah, that's smart. You do know it may cause all sorts of mental problems?

Everyone I knew who did marijuana went one of two ways. Either they developed this uncontrollable laziness so profound they wouldn't even turn around and pick up money if they dropped it (true story)...or they became monstrously freaking emotionally volatile.

I'll pass. I like having a life, thanks.

Besides I'm eating plenty but it's either not calorie dense enough or it's not over the threshold at which you can't burn it off and start gaining weight. Either way, I'm over wanting to gain 30kgs of muscle.
No gastric issues here but I was just so sick of overheating all the time and getting so little effect for all the protein and fat I was forcing myself to eat.

Besides, ectomorphs are awesome. Ask Germaine de Randamie.
No point in having a debate over its uses seeing as it was a tongue and cheek response. Can't say I'm surprised by the MAP response though.

Edit: For the record, when my mom was battling her cancer she had problems with eating. Marinol(a form of legal marijuana) allowed her to eat when no other medication helped. Pretty freaken stupid if you ask me.
No smiley to indicate it was tongue in cheek, not that it would have mattered, the TOS is there for all to see.

Why gripe about a polite reminder?

Okay I've just seen your edit. If you had posted that in the first place, or even started a thread on the subject you may have got a different response. The subject would have had to still be handled carefully due to the TOS policy, but your original post appeared to promote the use for reasons other than medical.
keep forgetting my real size is closer to UK12... bought more undies and nightie yesterday in a 10, bit close fitting, grrrrrr
@Tony, I appreciate your point, but there's kind of a difference between using it for cancer to prevent massive wasting, and using it to gain weight for aesthetic reasons.
I know it's all a matter of taste and so on, but the stick figure thing doesn't appeal to me. Not keen on overweight particularly either, some curves can be nice though, or athletic, depends on the person.

Wait wait wait, talking about womens bodies in the 'things that make you go Grrrr' thread, I think that's the wrong sort of grr!
Ok, this is getting weird. A few months back someone stole one of my wheel trims. Not all four, just a single one. I assumed that it was to replace one that they've lost. I never bothered replacing it, as, well, I'm lazy and it didn't bother me that much.

However, I woke up this morning to find that all of them have now been stolen. Now, one of them was cracked anyway, with a big gaping bit missing following a pothole incident, and the rest were dirty with mud and dried blood from a dead pigeon I ran over.

Now, why would anyone pinch such nasty looking trims? If you were a crim wouldn't you at least do some recon to see if they were worth pinching? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Whose batpoo idea was it to squat for sets of 10???

Oh wait. I know that madwoman. She has black hair, likes death metal, and is using my computer.
The evil witch at the Easyjet gate at Liverpool airport, who was trying to get some poor bloke to pay to put his hand luggage in the checked baggage because it didn't fit in the stupid little case tester they have by the gate in order to try to rip off more money from passengers. There was nothing wrong with the size of his bag, it fit perfectly in the tester when on it's side, but she was trying to argue that it only counted if the case was upright with the handle on the top! Nowhere on their website does it say the measurements have to be in a specific lay out, only that it has to be a certain size or under!
Why do people still fly with Easyjet? I know it's supposed to be cheaper. But is it really worth all the hassle?
Because it's cheaper (£55 return to Barcelona with no checked baggage)?! The hassle probably isn't worth it, but Ryanair are worse!