Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Work. I cannot stand my job. I don't like the commute. I don't like half the people I work with.

The only thing that I like is my pay.
Getting towards the end of a massive set of data entry, starting to lose concentration and realising you've entered the wrong data for several columns!
Groan, caught the stomach flu that was making rounds around the house and just finished cleaning myself up after making a sacrificial offering to the gods below.

Don't even have the strength to go "grrr;" more like a pitiful "mew."


Hatred, vitriol, manure!

Don't mind me, just venting...
I hate the paperwork involved with instructing in a large organisation.

I hate the deadlines for submitting it, months in advance, which I have missed. Again.


With you on that.

We have two of our guys doing a little half day job next week,
I did a method statement and risk assessments, these came back as the client wanted them written on his template.
Someone else wanted an ammendment because they could not see a particular wording, which was on my original work.
Round and round it goes, wasting time on a job that will take a few hours.
The bigger the company, the worse it is.
got back from work later than planned, skipped Kettlebells outdoors for watching the last few episodes of This Life and This Life +10 on Seesaw
pretty sure i nearly pulled (or at least created a trigger point in) my right trapezius. it's functional, but portions of its range of motion hurt. interestingly, what hurts the most is if i pull on my thumb (which i do to make it crack. i know what you're thinking, don't even try ) with my elbow flaring out, due to the muscular action to resist the pull.

anyway grrr my right trap hurts.
Sorry to hear that. I HATE louts who harass people in a sexual manner. I'd detail the retributive things I'd like to do to them but I'd definitely be violating the ToS.
grrrr at this useless computer. it's so bad when it slows down that i can click a link, press ctrl AFTERWARDS and it opens the link in a new tab...

really need to get a new CPU for it. can't wait till my desktop pc gets here.
Grrr had a crappy skipping session! I really struggled to keep the rhythm going with the skipping, plus my shoulder felt a little 'off' and my shins ached. I may need to replace one of my run/walk sessions with a cycling session.

I should have listened to Fish of Doom and skipped exercise and dinner and gone straight to the cake course!
grrr wanted to do some bagwork but i'm sore

will probably work on my hamstrings later though, i need to improve my jumping capabilities.

also grrr my right trapezius still hurts a lot, although it appears to not be injured. will slap an analgesic plaster on it as soon as i can find one.