Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

grr at not remembering to wear a shirt when cooking, grr at my father for leaving the cooking implements dirty again, and grr at me for being stupid and not checking, resulting in me splashing myself with burning liquid while flipping a hamburger ¬_¬. thankfully it was just droplets and it wasn't boiling.
Did a weights session in my gym tonight and my shoulder is still complaining about overhead pressing movements. Grrrrrrrr!
what exactly does your shoulder do? maybe there's a specific thing you could do to strengthen/stabilize it, depending on how easy to identify the problem is?
I've been suffering from an impingement for the last 9 months. I'm seeing a physio who has given me exercises and it is definitely improving, but obviously still needs some work. Because I've been away, I've not seen my physio recently and am going to try to sort out an appoinment in the next week or so.

out of curiosity, and for my collection of random exercise knowledge, what exercises were you given for your shoulder impingement?

also, grr and realizing that the thing poking out from the hole in my thumb WAS, in fact, a tendon. the flap has attached around the edges but is loose in the center, and i can definitely feel the tendon slide when i press on it (moves much more than on the other thumb. stupid wall with the sharp metal edge.
Some theraband stuff, rotator cuff work, wall pushups, some stability ball work.

I'll try to get around to sorting some links out at some point.

And 'ick' to your thumb issues!
cool! the thumb's ok, though, the flap's reattaching and plugged the hole more or less completely. just mildly pissed at the fact that with one extra milimeter on the cut i'd have severed a tendon. should be completely healed in a week or so, and it's still completely functional.
Oxford town centre. There should be some kind of population limit here. Makes me feel so claustrophobic and reminds me that I really don't like living here.