Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Yep. That is a much better design if you ask me.

I'd also like if it we could reabsorb the dead ovum rather than having to bleed to wash it away...
I taught a nice lesson today with eskrima and some muay thai, this is good.

However, due to my big ass I split my training bottoms, grrrrrrrrrr.

I knew there was a problem when a policeman came up to me and said "break it up you two".
the gym manager is trying (the broken record technique) to get me to enter the womens M1 class of the British Open powerlifting comp, under the GBPF whoever they are. I keep telling him I just train to get stronger
Do it, it will be a great experience.
Don't stress about where you place, and you never know you might enjoy it.

My skinny arse is going for a strongman comp this summer, I'm not sweating about winning, I just want to be able to complete the event!
Grrrrrr sea fret. Supposed to be a nice day, 20C+ and the fret rolls in knocking it down to suofftopict like 9C when I was looking forward to a bike ride along the coast again.

Grrrrr idiot drivers. After finding somewhere inland to ride I was heading up the A19 and there was a crash on the southbound. What does some idiot stuck in the southbound queue do? Try to do a U-turn in a gap in the central reservation barrier just as I was approaching. Thankfully the pillock thought better of his idea (at least for a few minutes) otherwise that would be another car I'd have wrote off and again.
Stupid female hormones.

I not only almost cried while listening to The Final Solution by Sabaton...I am suffering from massive loss of endurance. I did 3 x 10 pullups, and while the actual movement didn't use much of my strength, it still nearly made me pass out/puke...
GGGRRRR good friday meaning the gym is shut.

dont see why the death of jebus means i have to miss out on deadlifting.
what steve said. i lost at least three MA lessons because of it, possibly five depending on my laziness levels (though i never go to the saturday lessons anyway).