Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Can't even remember typing this, or even going to bed last night. Just recovering from a killer week at work of appox 70 hours of hard graft and stress getting Devon finished. I stand by my previous comment but might add a few more to the exception list
Yup there's one in crap city that sells gym equipment and possibly has some...

...but I don't know the name of that place, and going there directly would cost my eyes and lungs, as it's a 2 hour bus drive away.

The people at Argos said they would have a new catalogue out at the beginning of February, so I'll check again in a couple of days.

Know what pisses me right off? They have 1000000s of little 1kg and 2kg dumbbells for stupid airheaded young women to use for 'toning' (translation: doing half assed bicep curls while giggling and talking with your 3 friends)...but no goddamned oly bars. Poop. Crap, vomit, hate, sodium hydroxide.
Yay, and my obliques hurt too.

Self myofascial release fixed my damaged area for a while, then I had to go and use that muscle to throw round kicks at people.
Grrrrrr trying to get motivated to do some work for my PTLLS course. Not exactly masses to do but zero motivation to write about teaching people

Was booking my flight and hotel for my late honeymoon in Japan when the damn trip went up £350 in the 20 minutes it took us to fill in the details and check and double check.

We managed to find another deal on a slightly later flight and the travel confirmation email said the hotel is confirmed and to wait 2-24 hours for flight confirmation. It has now been 40 hours... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Getting a proper guitar was the highlight of my birthday and it turns out none of the shops my dad tried to order it from bother to stock it even though they claim it is "in stock" and instead say they need a couple months to get them in.
Grrrrr ten new starts at work who I've got for two weeks of literacy, numeracy and IT courses. Lots of paperwork and already one late finish this week (I took my training kit to work today in case I was finishing after 6 again).

Grrrrr another ten or more next week. Have to take suofftopict sharp to cut myself in three for the amount of rooms I'll be working in
Stupid people patronizing me on Yahoo Answers.

I know the difference between anxiety attacks and mere adrenaline rushes, you anus.