Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

I'm an alcoholic again! Seriously, how am I supposed to meet any of my financial goals when I (quoting my boss) "piss my money against a wall".
Try quiting, It really is that simple. Go to meetings, get a sponser, do what ever you have to to make it work but in the end you just quit drinking.
Hey I wear caps all the time. I lack the gold chunky jewellry, messed up teeth and tracksuit though. It annoys me when they tip the peak of the cap up so that its barely even on their head, I just want to walk up to them and knock it off.

Oh yeah Grrr that I keep taking the batteries out of my alarm clock whilst I am still sleeping.....excuse me I'm off to find some cellotape.
Or smack them
It's when they want a race but get proper lairy when their 1.2 corsa gets raped by a 2.0 litre coupe
Yes thank you, chavette would be the correct term. I only need to have a little girl call it chardonnay, pierce its ears when its 3 months old and my chavness shall be complete....

Seriously if I ever turn into one (unlikely) you all have permission to punch me in the face. A lot.
I wouldn't punch you in the face. You're far too nice I'd take you away to a secrete island so you can commune with nature and dechav
Awww but Louise you look gorgeous with it. Don't be a stick insect... *

*Note to self: File compliment for future use.
Both. But I like twitching other peoples eyelids.

Its an updated move of the "3 Stooges" that incorporated "Twisting nipple" technique.
(true offtopic)