Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

Life's too short for tea bags or instant coffee. You'll regret every substandard cup that failed to wow your tastebuds when the Reaper invites you in for your final brew.

I don't know what's worse, whether I read that and sat there nodding slowly like I have any idea what I'm on about or that the first thought that came into my head was this:
Nah I went to the bakers later for a Bakewell Tart.... but I was still snoozing and jumped out of bed thinking it might be UPS with my 'Strength Camp' tee shirt from Elliott Oh the disappointment
When people ask me advice on long rifles and don't know anything about what they're looking for or at. A rifle is something you need to know the model/make, round caliber, distance you plan on shooting (hunting in this case), the MOA of the rifle, etc..

It's the equivalent of asking which martial art you want to do and saying "I want something with kicking in it, but some punching and grappling too! But nothing too intense!"
So the company has started doing a class called 'fight fit' seemingly not caring about the numerous boxercise/kick boxercise etc classes I do, which is obviously going to pull clients away from my sessions, but rather than giving the class to me has gone to a chick that has zero experience in any combat sports.

Not that I think boxercise or 'fight fit' is serious MA training or requires as such but the clients enjoy the fact I'm a fairly experienced fighter and have a lot of 'different' drills and things for them. I don't mind putting on extra classes, even if it does dilute my numbers, but when they're diluted for something o gain nothing from?....
Awwwwww, can we remember the person who inspired the initial GRRRRR thread was my dear Mother She still makes me grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but possibly not as much now !
We can indeed. I can make a dedication in the title if you want?
Grr to it raining and me getting soaked on the bike today. It doesn't like starting when it's wet.
Grrrrrrrr at being horribly inconsistent at golf. One minute it's an enormous tee off, or an inch perfect approach. The next (few) minute(s) it's slice, hook, top and general rubbish.

Grrrrrrr indeed!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr at really hurting my foot AFTER a great offtopic session and being out of training for yet another sodding week
Aww Lou, I sympathise. I keep putting myself back out, even though I've been cleared to train again.

Grr to having the children's summer camps tomorrow. I'm really not keen on it now, seeing as it's going to be two weeks of possibly having to work with the laziest person ever.
Got wet weather gear, it's just annoying when it's sunny when you go out, and then pees down after you leave. When you live in a remote area there's nowhere to stop and change! Not fair.