There's a rumor going around that my boyfriend is cheating on me?


New member
Jul 4, 2010
this might be kinda long. d:
so last night i was at the mall with 3 of my guy friends & my best friend.
we decided to walk to mcdonalds & when we were leaving, 2 girls stopped me & asked me if i was dating luke -lastname- & i said yeah & walked out.
one of the girls followed me outside & asked me to come back into mcdonalds, she needed to tell me something.
so when i went back in, the one girl said "no, don't tell her." & the other girl said "no, i have to.. that's wrong!"
she then told me "well tonight luke made plans with a girl named alexis to "do it".. but he backed out at the last minute & said he had a gf."
then they asked me if i knew their names, & i didn't.
they said "okay good, but you didn't hear this from us okay?"
i stayed calm until i went outside & then i started freaking out.
now luke [my boyfriend] couldn't get a ride to the mall because he's banned from there & his parents know that, so they won't take him.
i texted him saying "who's alexis?" & he didn't answer for about 2 hours.
then he texted me back & said it was a girl that stalks him.
then after that he changed it & told me it was his friends gf & he IS at her house.
i told him what the girls told me & he said "what? babe i swear i would never do that!"
then he stopped answering again & texted back about ANOTHER 2 hours later.
he said "sorry babe, my phone died.. & no? she was flirting with me while i was at her house & i said no i can't be doing this, i have a girl."
so i'm asking him why those girls would make that up & he never answered me. & i texted him about it last night. -__-

so right now i honestly don't know what to believe.
for some reason i don't believe him, but.. idk. /:
i'm 15 & he's 16, btw & we've only been going out for about a month.
what do you think?
thanks ! x
haha i know it might not be true, & it's not really a rumor i guess, i just didn't know how to word it. xD
i just wanted to know what other people would think about this.
:D x