There is this girl that gossips about everyone..?


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Okay so there is this chick, we kinda used to be cool at the beginning of the school year but then idk what happened. So she has my best friend in one of her classes and she talks shit about me ALL THE TIME. She's really skinny like anorexic, and i'm not, so she was all to my friend 'If Sarah wants some of my laxatives to lose some of her excess weight i'd be glad to give them to her' and my friend told me so I was all forget it but when I saw her I was all 'If you wanna talk about me say it to my face' and she walked away and she talks about everyone even supossedly her 'best friend' and I told the girl what she says about her and it's just BS. She recently called me a slut and it's not even true and she doesn't even say most of this shit to my face, just through facebook and i'm tired. What should I do?
