
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

Should I take a year off after high school? Before College?
I have no idea what I want to do for a career.
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

Whats sexy about 2 girls 1 cup, besides the first 3 seconds?
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

Because you touch yourself and the family dog at night.

Because over-concerned parents were scared that they're sons would have full beards and daughters would have breasts by age ten from 'Growth Hormones', 'Artificial Additives' and 'Chemicals' in their fruit, vegetables, and milk.

Because they have no innocence left after I touched them, ALL of them.

Because you imitate me. You urinate into a berry Gatorade/Powerade bottle instead of getting out of bed.
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

actually it would be
"mِchten sie mit mir angeln gehen?"[/QUOTE]
its word order verbs must go to the end of the sentence
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

I know you need thrust, why I explained V-Curve, you need thrust to make the plane move forward, it is clearly moving forward on a tredmill.

However there is no wind moving over the wings to produce lift. The airplane stays on the ground because it can't over come gravity, not drag(look at my nifty picture again).

Let me know if you want any further explanation.

Really? Then whats holding you to your chair right now.
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

but the plane isn't ACTUALLY moving forward. The wheels are just spinning on the treadmill. think of it this way.. if the treadmill were off, the plane would be moving forward and have a positive thrust force, but if the plane was turned off and the treadmill was on, the plane would have a positive drag force. Assuming that the treadmill is only large enough to hold the plane, the forces of drag (from the treadmill) and thrust (from the plane) would offset each other to equal 0. It is possible, however, that the plane could take off if the forward speed of the plane were greater than the backwards speed of the treadmill. (I.E. the treadmill was going backwards at 50mph and the plane was going forward at 100mph, even though the plane would only ACTUALLY be going 50mph because off the offset of the treadmill.)
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

the real question being, whats not sexy about the remainder of that video? nothing like feces and vomit tangled in an orgy of lesbian sex to peak ones sexual interest!
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

I don't understand how the whole plane on a treadmill thing is still going. It is so simple to understand. The wheels on a plane serve one purpose and one purpose only. To keep the aircrafts belly from smashing into the ground. They spin freely until the brakes are applied. If you put a plane on a treadmill traveling one thousand miles per hour in one direction for a second the plane will travel backwards until the engines create enough thrust to compensate for the friction caused by the reaward motion of the wheels. Then the aircraft will begin rolling forward until takeoff. It doesn't matter how fast the wheels spin. Unless they explode from the sheer speed of rotation or the heat caused by such speed the treadmill will not stop the aircraft from taking off.

If you take the aircraft and treadmill out of the equation and add an airboat and a river you will get the same effect. Once the airboats propeller defeats the friction caused by the water rushing under the boat the craft will go forward. Using this example is a bit different though. Water rusing against the hull of a boat creates alot more friction and therefore rearward thrust than a wheel with bearings on a treadmill.
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

Why cant you grasp that the plane WILL move. Even if the treadmill matches the speed of the plane the wheels will simply spin twice as fast as normal, plane will go normal speed, take off.
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

amps and microphone would work for a bit, then the sound would degrade, it wold take about 10 seconds for the sound to fully disipate
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

Mythbusters will prove it this season.

The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

why does the tip of my penar hurt when i stick mah finger in mah belly button..
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

If you want to see what would happen if you did the amp and microphone thing:
Put 2 cell phones on speaker. Get phone 1 to call phone 2 answer and turn the receiver of one phone to the earpiece of the other. Say something into them and watch what happens.

My unanswered question would be: Life?
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

BINGO! However, I think it is assumed that the plane is moving just as fast as the treadmill, thus there is no air over the wings, so the plane can't produce enough lift to over come gravity (Again see my neeto picture and explination of Vx and Vy curve).
The "What are your unanswered questions" thread.

I do now understand the point you are trying to make. Correct me if I am wrong here, but what you are saying is that if the plane engines were off and the treadmill was turned on that the plane would stay put beacuse the wheels would spin on the treadmil and the plane wouldn't move.

I don't belive this is true just beacuse of the sheer force it takes for a jets tire to role.

Shoot me a PM with a response.