The Whats on my mind thread

Well, Mr Moose, this was a conclusion I thought of myself.He is asleep, the ticking starts, he wakes up the ticking stops....

Maybe it's something like an Edgar Allen Poe tale
maybe a leak?

i heard a tapping recently, realised it was the radiator - I hadn't tightened it since I bled them all out. After a quick word to our next door neighbour Arnold S and it was tightened properly.
Distressed that my gf will see those photos that stupid girl i drunkenly got with last week decided to tag me on facebook.
looks like i could be hanging around this thread a lot. what's bothering me is how long it's taking me to get over my breakdown...well, my life is okay now, but my health isnt yet, and i need to be patient.
but the things that stress me are:
having to buy / sell my car
having to move out in a month (its a good thing, though the experience will be stressful because of my circumstances)
and all of this having to be done whislt doing this stupd teacher training crazy course. so im just writing lesson plan after lesson plan...

and......when your real passion in life happens to be Taekwondo, and you don't get time to devote yourself entirely to it, it can be very upsetting.
Tunnocks teacake or a wagon wheel???????

Also , do I get changed for the gym at work or at home????
Wagon Wheel-got to be-fantastic

I'm struggling to fit anytype of MA training in as my shifts keep changing and I keep missing my First TKD lesson
Marry an instructor - priceless!

What's on my mind right now is getting an asteroid stuck in the side of the screen and not being able to shoot anything or die
3dan testing in June.. still haven't done my 15pg paper... camp in June.. school ending in June.. physio.. lack of time.. hiring staff for camp... wolfie... moving in Semptember... finding a new school in Semptember.. finding a new job in September...

but I lost 4lbs last week
I'm home And will be for a couple of weeks once the puppies pop out. Hurry up pups!
Leaving uni. Finding job for year. Applying for uni all over again. Getting training back in order for nidan at the end of the year or early next year. Earning cash to pay for tuition fees for next attempt at degree. What to install next on MAP?
Hmm....let's see, I'll be in Vegas next month, Washington State in June, gotta figure out how to fit in a Virgina trip this summer, and........................GRRRRR!!! Not enough time this summer to even consider the MAP Meet at all...
Wondering WHY a lot of people can change in seconds, and go for a complete change of opinion on something they were so adamant about.
Instead of Sky TV I have been watching the free to view channels on a satellite receiver my brother bought years ago. Not only does it still work, it is in stereo and digitally workable.

All I need is another part to fit up on the side of the house and I could extent the 100 channels Sky puts out to 1,000 through the Astra and Hotbird satellites.

Somehow TV seems different without having Sky demanding payment of £31 per month to watch repeats.
the fact that after ALL the choices i still cant make a bloody desision about buying a car.
i have money...just no time to go look at them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its driving me nuts!!!
see here: and please help me.
Why there was a ton of louts on the streets who found it funny to try and push supposed friends into the paths of buses and cars.