The unsolicited advice thread.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
In this thread, we give unsolicited advice about any matter that crosses our mind. It can be useful or stupid, general or specific, martial arts related or not. Just share your wisdom!

I'll start:

Don't use comic sans in university powerpoints. A friend of mine learned the hard way.

Always take a second to learn and remember the name when someone introduces him/herself. It takes little effort to do and can get you a great start in that relationship.
Never believe anyone who says they'll do a professional service for free. It usually means you're about to get ripped off.
Picking your nose makes it bleed. So carry tissues. Nobody likes it when you get blood everywhere.
Or how about just don't go around picking your nose everywhere? Maybe it could wait until you get home?
Even if someone is driving like a complete Richardhead, try to resist the urge to flick the v's or shuffle your hand at them. It might turn out to be someone who knows you.
When performing any private activity at home, make sure you're not between a lamp and the curtains.

Also a naan bread will prevent saddle chaffing when cycling and also provide a warm snack on the move when needed.
if you have the time, it's worth sitting on the toilet for a bit before dropping your trousers. happiness is a warm toilet seat.
When someone is having a crappy day, even the smallest of kind gestures can add a smile to there face.
I'm going to paraphrase/clean up a John Waters saying

"If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't sleep with 'em"
"Never argue with an idiot. They'll get you down to their level and beat you with experience"