The Transit Bus Driver, the Upper Cut, and the Nut . - Oct 18,2012


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
By now, most people have seen clips of the altercation that occurred on a Transit Bus in Cleveland, Ohio. The driver of the bus got into an altercation with a passenger. RTA spokesperson Mary Shaffer confirmed the bus driver's name is Artis Hughes. Hughes said he was assaulted by a rider, Shidea Lane. After seeing " Ms. " Lane describe the incident in a video, my estimation is that the only book shes probably read from cover-to-cover is some long-lost crayon book from her kindergarden years. What some people find more shocking than the video, however, is that most peoples sympathy, male AND female, is NOT in favor of Shidea Lane. What is my response to this ? We. Are. Evolving. Like most sane people, I dont think there is ANY correlation between this event and the epidemic of violence against women. THIS IS AN ISSUE OF ACCOUNTABILITY, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND RESPECT. Any time a person is convinced that accountability for ones actions is the burden for everyone but themselves to bear, NOTHING good insues. People like this have no sense of shame, or restraint. Life usually doesnt work out too well for the aforementioned personality types. Ms. Lane found this out the hard way. The bus driver may have been a " n*gger " in her estimation, but Im willing to bet that she realizes that karma can be a b*tch, especially if it comes at you in the form of a right uppercut.Cleveland Ohio RTA Transit Bus | Mary Shaffer | Artis Hughs | Culture of emasculation | Shidea Mortal Combat Lane
