The Tardy Excuse Thread

teacher: where were you why are you late
student: i told you i couldnt find my pants when we were done fucking in the closet

My penis, it was caught in my spacebar, again.

My teacher, he touched me.

My sister, she wanted to suck my penis while it was in the spacebar.

Those are the ones use most often.
My school:

If you're tardy, even 5 seconds after the second bell (homeroom bell) rings, you get a 1 hour after school detention.

They changed it to this halfway through the year, prior to this you had to stay the amount of time you were late.
i.e. If you're 10 minutes late, you stay 10 minutes after school.

Can only get excused if your parent writes you a note or calls in prior to you arriving.

Me prior to the tardy change:
82 Days in a row late
2 days late

Another thing, If you skip your after school detention you have an "Office" detention, which usually has you working with the janitors doing shit.

It's effective.
One week I went to school over an hour late every day, and I would have a pass from my mom saying I had car trouble. On the friday that I did it, the attendance lady said she isnt giving me an excused late, and told me to "get a new fucking car." a complaint to administration by me quickly followed.
lol that sucks.

I've been late to almost every religion class thanks to Athletic P.E. And because I don't care about religion.

My first period class, Bio2, is gay. You get 3 free tardies/absenses. After that, it's a half point of your 6 weeks grade. So I was dropped from like a 96 to a 92 last 6-weeks.
"i was in my buddies car on the way back to school and he got a speeding ticket, took longer than expected" worked on my english and Music teacher but at my school we dont get slips for being late
fake last name and student ID number, and write very sloppy. When they say "WTF does this say???" Say "Wow you cunt muffin, it says xxxxx (Fake name)!"
I usually tell them the teacher from my last class held us late and didn't have time to write us all passes. I haven't had any problems with that one. Faking panting as if you valued the class enough to run to get there asap helps.
when im late to school i dont put anything down but when im late to a class i just say i got lost it works most of the time but my 7th period teacher keeps wondering how im a junior and dont know how to get to her class everyday
my friend walked into class one day 25 minutes late without a pass and the teacher asked why he was late and he told her he was tying his shoe.
One kid in my wood shop class has been late almost every day. One day the teacher asked why and he said he was running to class but his shoe came off and he forgot how to tie it. Teacher believed it.
Usually at our highschool everyone gets in good with the librarian/coaches/auto/construction teacher and just go talk to them a bit in the morning if they are late and they write them a pass to class.