The poor get taxed: 'work harder if you don't like it, that's life' -- Rich get

Sep 3, 2008
taxed:'Scream bloody murder'? Is that about right? When money trickles down people have nothing to say about it even though that's the way it's been since the beginning of time.

Also people keep talking about the country spiraling into poverty after Obama takes money from the Rich and gives it too irresponsible poor people who will spend it on material goods that won't stimulate the economy, while this idea is grossly exaggerated I don't know why these same people refuse to see all the money and resources that are literally wasted on the rich. It's almost an exponential difference. I know the first response to that is that 'if they pay for it , then what do you care what they do with it'.

Tell that to the people who earn $10/hr but have to pay 35 dollars every few days to fill up a supposed 'economy vehicle' , nothing can be an 'economy vehicle' when gas is at 4 dollars and you only had 1500 to spend on a car in the first place. A poor person CANNOT save on gas prices by buying a 17,000 dollar hybrid vehicle and paying full insurance on it. And see this type of example goes on and on into every facet of a low-income person's day to day compared to the wealthy.

Even a bare necessity like food brings all type of attacks from you people. "well if they just learned to shop wholesale and not go to supermarkets they wouldn't do so bad" ok... When after Rent and utilities you're left with 100 dollars a week (sometimes less) for food and gas/busfare -- just how much do you expect someone to buy at a place like Costco or BJ's?

This whole thing about the poor being lazy good for nothings is being put into your minds by each other's ignorance and the media. Many of the rich people in this country are on the same level as being spoiled worthless pieces of sh!!t just like they claim the poor are. While i don't like the idea of high income taxes in the first place if Obama shafts the rich then DEAL WITH IT, I'm now upper middle class after growing up poor and I'm not crying about the prospects of paying more taxes for social programs -- I took advantage of social programs as a kid and it helped me get to where I am now. Also, when in the hell did any social program for the poor even come close to the cost of corporate welfare? To my knowledge never.

If things spiral out of control and you don't like it...just like you tell liberals. Move somewhere else, I didn't forget where I came from so me and many of the poor here will do just fine if money becomes scarce -- trust me we've been there. Actually... this great country just brought democracy to Iraq -- I'm sure you'd love it there.
Carol H - no they do NOT get back every cent. In order for you to get back that much you have to be head of household (which you don't qualify as if you share or rent a room) and you have to have dependants.

Stop with the misinformation. when Iwas 17 I made around 7,000 dollars of which I paid 1600 in taxes and only got back 400 because I had no claims I could make. I really hate that argument of them getting these collosal tax returns, they DONT
THOR - you are really out of touch my friend, VERY out of touch
Carol H - I just read the bar story. FAIL. They forgot to mention that the first four had nothing because they paid the taxi's for all ten men to go to the bar.

Then anothing you're not mentioning is that the 59 dollars the Tenth man has is really part of the 1000 dollars he has at home after negotiating a cut weekly cut of the other 9 men's wages who don't know the tax tricks he pulls year after year to pay less -- how ever he then goes on TV and says he's getting raped in taxes.
Chargerman - how you are you so arrogant? "to ignorant to apply" ? You don't know what state I'm in -- I'm in a liberal state which means ultra-high taxes along with , federal, SS, state, and city which yes , went up to 1600. Sorry but I'm not posting my W-2 for you.

OH! OK!! I see right...Even though you pay almost a quarter of your pay in OTHER taxes, I shouldn't feel bad because most of my FEDERAL came back hahahaha.... You people are pathetic.
Chargerman - See that's what's so sad about you. You flat tell people they're situations are 'false' just like a good republican does. You are literally obsessed with Obama, and I think it's because you're a racist -- just look at you asked if his Cabinet will be a 'Rainbow'. You should really learn to at least try to see other people's situation for what it is. That comment you made about my taxes as a teen REALLY made you look like a fool, then I look at your questions and dude you're a miserable sad little man aren't you?

I admit the Democrats faults and no I dont agree with everything them OR the republicans say but I don't obsess with things this much. You seriously have a psychological issue with Obama, Minorities and Liberals in general. Dude if it's Viagra or maybe even just a woman you need, healthcare is there for all of us even republicans plus it's confidential :)