The Perfect Fit Part I: Grace and Works - Nov 20,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
There are 30 things that Grace can do and 30 things that Grace cannot do. Weve been discussing several of the most important--forgiveness and fellowship. Tune in next week to hear about blessings and eternal life. You might want to read I Cor. 15:10 to see how grace can change lives and give power; II Tim. 2:1 to find out how it gives strength; or Heb. 4:16 to find out how grace gives aid in time of need. Find out if Grace is conditional or unconditional and how works fits into the picture. Do you want abundance in your life, riches, power, boldness? Dont forget to tund in next week at 12:00 PM. Your life will never be the same.riches | abundance | change | strength | grace
