*The Original TSR Sexy Biatch Society*

Oral? :eyebrow:

I'm sorry, I couldn't possibly cheat on Jessaay, darling ... even if it were for a 5.5/10 oral encounter.

There, there - I'll add you anyway. ;)
Why of course it is, dear.

Would you like to nominate yourself for entry into this esteemed society?
Jessaay-girl just saved me from making the biggest mistake of my life :mmm:

I don't want to be part of a community that spells b*tch wrong, to be honest :suith:
I've been watching your centipede thing walk across my screen for about ten minutes now!!!! Its hypnotising:D
Yeeeees lol , you're another sexay biatch :)

So many unknown sexy girls on ihav :rolleyes: , they need to stop hiding.
A lot?
Approximately 3 guys, who all seem to be playing WoW all day and never had any girlfriends have posted on that thread. I am disappointed to be honest :sad: