The Olympics


Apr 11, 2008
Just found this article while browsing. I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts on the militarization and corporatizatin of the games.

Also for those of you across the pond how is this going to affect you?
Weird, works fine for me. It's titled "The London Olympics is a corporate lockdown, why not a Games for all?"
The Corporatism stuff is fair comment, but his bitching about the military being used to secure the City is blind left wing shrieking of the worst kind.

It's a major international event. It will be targeted by terror groups. It must be secured or very very bad things will happen.
Its a shame since there will probably be more police and soldiers than spectators. I can't imagine how you brits are going to drive in that mess.
It's sad that the world has come to that -- or even that someone thinks that the world has come to that. Either way.

I stopped watching the Olympics many sessions ago, because the American networks only show gymnastics, swimming, diving, and running. There's a splash of something else here and there, but basically, it's those four sports.

I want to watch boxing, wrestling, judo, TKD, archery, guns, weightlifting, and ping pong (Forrest Gump -- come on). Maybe if I had premium cable tv with 17 sports channels I could get the events that want, but I don't have cable tv at all.

So, I'm just a great big, "Huh? The Olympics are going on? Wow, I barely knew that."
I know that happened to Athens, but where else did it happen? I was under the impression that the Olympics usually bring lots of money in.