The most influential / popular comic book/s?


May 11, 2008
I am writing a novel and the main character is a guy who loves comics. Being someone who doesn't read comics, I need the help of some comic fans! I need to know some of the most popular or influential comics in history and in the modern era. It could also really help if you could recommend any that the character might like.

With that in mind, here is a bit about his personality which you may find helpful:

- He is a bit of an old soul. He would perfectly suit the 60's or 70's, so he has a bit of a vintage flair. All the music he likes tends to be from these era's as well (from the 60's to the 90's).

- He also draws. He excels in sketches. He almost always draws in lead pencils and not colour, but he will occasionally experiment.

- Other things he likes or enjoys are these: running, coffee, city life, adventure, action films, classic novels ...

Thank you in advance!