The MAP standard

I'm one of those folks who enjoys tinkering with things. I also subscribe to the idea that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I like the utility of the MAP layout. About the only thing I would play with is the matter of contrast. The grey/lgt Blue/Drk Blue gets a bit tiring for me. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

To echo what the O.P. said I love the aesthetics of this forum, it's so much more honest than some of the more pretentious offtopic forums with Black Backgrounds etc

And I think this is reflected in both its Mod team and community.
One other thing I forgot to mention is the "mysticism" of martial arts is hardly present on MAP and when somebody comes along that does buy into it they get the equivalent of a lead hook to their temple. But there is even a place just for those kinds of people on MAP as well which is cool, they just can't always come out and play with the real world people all the time : P.
MAP is the home to the REAL Frank Dux

*cultish chant*

but seriously, Its the only forum I go on , whether it be MA related or not.
Why is that? Your forum is a dark grey/blue. I don't mind it at all and think it's an acceptable/decent set up. I'm just extremely biased because I've been on MAP for about 7 years and it set a very high standard for me, and I've come to like the lighter colors : P.

It's the jet black, with neon text that bugs my eyes out!
One forum color I hate is Sherdogs, I think thats the only reason I never made an account.

Hard as heck to read
AH... ok, I thought it was just the dark ones in general. But you're actually making a pretty tangible line. Dark gray = ok, beyond that = not so much. Got it!

I waffled back and forth with skin colors and stuff and may yet change again. Personally I LIKE a lighter forum myself but I've found darker forums are almost expected with certain topics like lifting and bodybuilding... not sure why exactly. But I agree, the sharp neon colors, and flashing graphics everywhere turn me off as well.
True, but if your forum is a black background with red lettering combined with the Logo of a bear wrestling with an angry shark and the icons for the sub-forums are muscling biceps then it gives you pause for thought.

Bearing that in mind our Club hoodies are all black with red cuffs, red draw strings and a Japanese Oni on the back with "All Round Fighting" printed above it.

Uh oh.. time for me to meet Mr Kettle.
LOL!! Bears wrestling angry sharks?? What boards do you GO to?? I aint judgin or anything but brother... nevermind... I don't want to know. Im just gonna smile and nod and sloooooowly inch away from you....
MAP is great, unless you dont want to have kids, arent a baby toddler person, or think animals are equal to humans. Then you will get insulted. I got called unnatural, I need help, etc etc , im dumb for believeing my cat's life is as important as my life (its my life, and I say she is, it doesnt matter what my parents think) I had mappers tell me I cant possibly know anything about parenting because I didnt reproduce and will never reproduce, I'm close to leaving after 3 and a half years here. I used to love map, you defend homosexuals when people call them unnatural, how come I didnt get defended?
C'mon, Blade, there's no reason to resurrect this argument. You've got to remember that people with kids are programmed to feel strongly about them - that's how our species survives and that's why you got a sharp response from the various parents on MAP.

I'm sorry to hear that you're offended by the response you got on that previous thread, but nothing good will come of raking over the coals. Take my word on this one.
Meh it's alright.

I only hang around for the bikini pics of Frodocious.................and Mitch of course.
Oh Im not. Just had to put it out there. dont worry, wont bring that into this thread. Jut wanted to say that. but i just wont be speaking to those people ever again,. Thats about it.
I am with Moosey on this one.

Blade, these things tend to garner strong responses because people have strong opinions about them. No one has the right to call you unnatural or tell you that you need help, and you have the right to believe in whatever you want.

I personally find your choice not to have children to be perfectly normal, and the life you value as much as yours is your own choice. I will defend these things with my life because having the freedom of choice is the single most important thing if it doesn't cause harm to another.
OK, enough of that serious stuff. Anyone got any suggestions to improve MAP's layout (rather than content)? Anything we should be thinking about?