The MAP Quotes Thread


Mar 6, 2008
Sometimes you read something on MAP that makes the coffee you just sipped spurt out of your nose and onto your keyboard.

Sometimes it's something that's been expressed so succinctly that you remember it ever after.

Or maybe it's a thought you hadn't had before?

It doesn't have to be deep, it doesn't even have to be original, but if you come across something that strikes a chord then post it up here. No discussion, no long explanations, just the distillation of all MAP's wisdom.

JWT can have the honour of kicking us off on the subject of kata bunkai

Please post up your own examples

If you can quote the source please? It's not for your own words of wisdom, but for quoting things people on MAP have said, hence the title

"become strong so you need not fear others; become compassionate so others need not fear you"

~ Koyo Sensei ~
The man has said this a couple of different ways at a couple of different times, and it merits enshrinement somewhere. Good idea for a thread.

The best by far this year is - People as some of you may know I am in the process of making a new MA. Matt-99
from moosey's OLD thread asking who machida was, in answer to why his karate techniques worked
I'm flattered Although I always thought I'd get remembered for something much more unsavoury than that...

I have to admit I was charmed by matt-99. His 'I'm making my own martial art' stuff was a blast from the past. I therefore have to mention illegalusername for this epic post: