The Hot Deaf Girl.

This douchebag I knew in highschool lost his virginity to a deaf girl. They used to communicate via interpreter in public or if he needed to call her, when they were alone he used notecards. Hilarious.
i know some sign language, enough to keep up a convo. tap her on the shoulder, point to your self, use your right index finger and point in an up motion, than point to her, than take your left hand and connect you thumb and index finger and have the remaining 3 lifted up, than take your right hand's index finger and drag it around the hole in your left hand.

Translation-Can I Stick it in your ass?

guranteed to work:)
Well, if you left taco bell, whats it matter?
Also, the simple wave also works. If shes hot im sure shes been hit on guys before.
I guess your only option now is to camp out at taco bell until she comes back for your taco.
Well Basically what someone said a few post above me, i'm Hard of hearing my self and just write down stuff on a paper or somethin. Whats how most deaf people do in stores, Fast food place, ETC

Just buy a basic learning sign language book. That should work.
carma, your children will be deaf
edit: aslo my uncle is deaf, hes not mentally retarded, you are a douche bag