The God Chips - Sep 17,2012


Active member
Mar 4, 2009
Rising Out of Hell Ministries presents...The God Chips If you are sick, go to the Doctor. Hopefully they can help you, comfort you and lead you on the road to recovery. Ask that you get all the tests run they can possibly run to diagnose and treat you, and I pray that God and medicine will work hand in hand in curing your sickness or disease that of yourself or of someone you know. If after you have exhausted all medical possibilities, and you would like to know what Gods Word says about healing, the God Chip series may be of use. Maybe God will heal us maybe He won't, I have no idea. I think there may be a roadmap to having a Spiritual Gift revival though if it be in His WIll. If it is truly that Gods Will is the deciding factor on rather you or myself get healed, then can we do anything to influence His decision? We have very little to do with it as far as influencing the outcome in one respect. When God chose's to allow Healings through Spiritual Gifts such as Gifts of Healing, Faith and Miracles according to I Corithian 12, all we can do is organize ourselves, prepare ourselves for the Masters use, and let The GOD CHIPS fall where they may, however He decides to do "whatever" it is He wants done. It is totally putting ourselves in His Hands and trusting the outcome whatever that outcome may be. Bottom is His WIll that all come know Him through Jesus Christ our Lord, the rest is being prepared for service when He does call, and let the God Chips fall where they may with healings. Regardless of the outcome, we are to give Him all Honor, Glory and Praise. Demons | Angels | Jesus | Healings | Miracles
