The Confession Thread

I have severe nightmares, and sometimes I can't tell for up to hours rather it was just a dream or not. I suppose it is because of how disorientating they can be. It also doesn't help that I usually have slight control over my actions in the nightmares, it just makes them seem so real. I have Had the problem with the sleep thing for as long as I can remember.
Maybe not a confession, but in the spirit it is at least an embarasing story .....

Was at camp for Boy Scouts and managed to eat some 'expired' frozen pizzas from the camp store. Did not know they where bad at the time. About 3am I awoke and made a MAD dash to the Royal Flush (err the crapper, they all had names). About 20 yards short of building, I could hold it no longer. So here I am, about 12 years old, pants full of sh*t at 3am. What did I decide to do? I flushed my long Johns and underwear down the toilete, and ran back to the cabin as fast as I could half naked. I'm sure the toilete was cloged and needed attention. When I finially told my friends this story when I was ~18ish, the ones that where in Scouts with me could not stop laughing, thought I would share.
Here i go ....

As my memory serves me

I was the reason to a kittens death once. (I feel bad now about that of course) And I tried to kill a big cat aswel by drowning it. But it escaped

My food habits are bad.
I threatned to kill my sister? (I am a coward for that anyway)

I am ... homo sexual? (which means like with girls?)
I have never had sex (too young? ), and i may never do that. Yes i do have nasty secrets about this.
There's way too much to list here from when I was younger - much of which I could probably still get into trouble for, so I'll just post something innocuous and recent
I lied to my girlfriend three times today while we were shopping (I say "we" - she shopped, I followed and carried). To be fair, the lies weren't anything too bad. In the spirit of confession they were:
1. That's a really nice top, honey (Did you drop your bag and lose your fashion sense or something?!)
2. No, I wasn't looking at her arse (DAMN, that shop assistant has a nice arse!)
3. I'm not at all sick of you asking if this outfit makes your bum look big (How can your bum look big?! It's tiny! Stop asking stupid questions and let me go look in the guitar shop!)
Shopping with your other half - always a recipe for disaster or lies
My sister once broke my nose, because I wasn't smart enough to do what you did - LIE!. She asked me if a particular dress made her look fat, to which I responded, "No, Sis. Your fat makes you look fat!". Trouble is, she's a size 8. I bled for quite a while after that.
I have just cooked dinner,which was lovely, a nice Korean dish with noodles, prawns and tofu.I used the timer on my boyfriends phone and have managed to cover it in prawn juice, so it now really smells of prawn!
Plus I have fallen off my not eating sugar wagon by eating cake , AND my not drinking wagon,as drinking gin!
That is your thing.
Wait, and you might find that you dont need them.
Just observe yourself and your desire, coming and going. Arising and falling.
What you think tastes good, might prove to be bad tasty later. What tastes bad may be good tasty.

Even though i dont know what you are talking about, i know it is about food. And i like food. I was going to ask a friend to teach me.

Edit: And what you think, is not what you think. Or something like that
Have you been at the gin too Deepsey??? I have had a hard weeks training and was led astray by others! I decided that to try and cut nice things out completely isnt necessary at the moment as I train hard, and decided to allow myself a treat at the weekends only ,and the cake needed eating as it would go off otherwise!
I have tons of confessions to make, okay starting from my girlfriend who that I used to be with.

I lied to her plenty.
-How the clothes fit her when she shops.
-How she cooks (sometimes)
-How she acts
-Personal things that we talk about
-Saying that I'm busy, even then when I'm really not.

And I lied a bit on my profile on here. It's okay to lie on your profile right?
Actually, I'm gonna give a few.

Okay er...

- I've hit a few people. Including a drunk friend of mine [I could have restrained him but wanted to kick him] just to see how quick I could be under pressure. The answer was 'very'.

- I'm absolutely terrified of putting on weight even though I've been very slim all my life.

- The only time I'm truly happy is when I'm alone in the woods or a field. This is the whole reason I enjoy running so much. Lots of friends and girlfriends don't understand and get very upset at the fact that they can't make me happy.

- I have so much hatred in my heart for a few people that it scares me. I worry that one day I'll run into one of them and get put in prison.

/Personal moment.
Depends what you lied about... Age is generally a No-No.

My confession...

I was going to come on here and say I peed in my wetsuit to see the responses (I didn't)

The other weekend I stole my bf's very expensive, very flashy digital camera and took it out on a bender with me. I then had to get it home, remove all evidence of said bender, and replace the camera exactly where I "found" it
Akasha - you're beyond help. Your sister should hit you more

Deepsey - either english isn't your first language or you're actually Yoda, reincarnated. Either way you're hard work so I can't be bothered to figure out which is true.

Saz - both peeing in a wetsuit and having to remove incriminating evidence from partners view is absolutely normal behaviour and doesn't belong in a confessions thread Nicking expensive pieces of kit, however....