The cloak room attendant has looked through my bag and stolen my phone and cash


Mar 31, 2008
card do i have a case? Hi Every 1. Last Friday 28march It was my 21st b-day, to cut a long story short I was in a club and got really drunk and had to leave without my bag. The next day i called the club to ask if my bag was still there as I still had my ticket and wanted to go and collect it. When I got there I noticed my coat wasn't in my bag any more and had been thrown somewhere else. I looked in my pockets to find my phone(which was actually a loan phone coz my phone is being repaired had gone and so had my bank card) I asked why my jacket had been taken out of my bag and they had nothing to say. Whilst I had been ringing my phone all night and it had been ringing. I'm guessing the cloakroom attendant has stolen my stuff. Yesterday I called my phone again and a lady answered it saying her husband is sleeping as he works in a club and this is his phone, she hung up and my phone is now switched off.Do u think I have a case as I left my property in there care thinking they would look after it. I also have
yes if the nightclub provide a service which they charge you for they have a duty of care you have proof of purchase (the ticket) take them to small claims court if they do not provide you with compensation and your goods back. dont believe any signs sayin the are not responsible they arent true.

see a solicitor