The Carnivore Thread

Far be it from me to question your aikido knowledge but... a hakama isn't a skirt?

More like parachute pants? Atleast every time i have ever seen them they have two seperate leg sections... Whereas by definition a skirt doesnt...

Edit: BTW, as soon as i made that comment i knew you'd say something about them
Tell that to the welsh nash. I moved here when I was 5, so technically I'm still the imperialist oppressor. Sod them- if it bothers them that much they can sod off and live in a hut made out of poo.

And I'm calling all the americans yanks. Because they shoot our soldiers, probably by accident, they employ mercenaries, because our government keeps on trying to copy all of their worst ideas, and because in a country with no free healthcare, I honestly can't see why they even expect you to pay taxes.
chicken - love chicken and occasionally eat a whole roast chicken from tescos with no issues.
beef - hard to cook and can be expensive for a good cut
lamb - i like it but can be tough when cold
venison - red wine sauce....hmmmmm
pork - i avoid, a very fatty animal

tuna - with a jacket spud makes up my everyday lunch
cod - i love cod
haddock - similar to cod but havent ate it in a while
salmon - too much of a fishy taste for me (if that makes any sense)

alligator - very oily.
You're joking, right? Beef has been dirt cheap since the whole mad cow thing. And it's easy to cook because unlike (say) chicken or pork, it won't make you ill if it's undercooked!

What could be easier to cook than a nice piece of steak? (Salivates at the thought..... )

Maybe that depends on the cut? Lean roast lamb is tasty cold, although I suppose it can be quite dry. But lamb tends to be quite fatty, so some cuts aren't so nice cold.

Not necessarily. Again, it depends on the cut. Some are very lean. Try loin steaks - if you trim off any fat from the edge then you're left with a nice chunk of solid lean meat. And if you season it nicely then it delivers even more flavour than a beef steak, in my opinion.

Haddock and cod are virtually identical - except that haddock has flavour and cod doesn't! I don't see the point in eating cod when you can get haddock. It's a mystery to me why anyone eats it at all.

Makes perfect sense to me! I think salmon is the second-most overrated fish (after cod.)
You're forgetting the steps 1). stir in some Worcestershire sauce 2). ladel a good helping of it onto some white bread 3). add salad cream 4). fold bread 5). enjoy.
Salad cream with meat, any meat, is the culinary version of the Great Wall of China. An engineering marvel.
Forget the salad cream!! Cremating good beef is as near an unforgiveable sin as I can think of!!! (Faints at the mere thought of ruining good beef!)
I'm most definitely supporting both the still walking around beef and salad cream movements here guys.

Anyway to cook beef (roast that is) you need to slow cook it on a low heat from about 10:30am right through until about 5-6ish, don't mess around with any of that fancy herb crap, bit of gravy, mint sauce (or salad cream) mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Edit: Oh and I realise this was from about 3 pages ago but what on earth is biltong???
SEE! I knew I could count on Sammy with her good tastes. Beef and salad cream, chicken and salad cream, turkey and salad cream, fish and salad cream, heck they should make salad cream milkshakes.