The Big Cat Thread

ah I see.

Btw i guess i'm a cougar because i had a boyfriend of a few weeks just a coule years ago who was/is, ten years younger than I am. Not sure if that is being a cougar......
I'm just wondering what people expect to happen when they choose to be in an area known to be populated by animals dangerous to humans? It's a well known fact predators target the weak and vulnerable. 15 feet is way out of arms reach. Too far for toddler or small child to wander in such a place. To put it into perspective. My first floor bedroom window is about 15 feet or so off the ground.
Notice how the cougar carefully selects its prey. It doesn't go after the big male with big horns. And notice how it tears the goats hide open with one swipe of its claw. A hunting knife gets dull soon skinning an animal like that so those claws are awesome.
Notice how the cougars caught that elk off guard and notice how it tore up that ram. It can do the same to humans.
This just in from Captain obvious.

Is this your supporting argument for killing mountain lions? Seriously. If that's teh case we can easily merge these two threads. A bleeding post it note can cut something fierce if dealt with wrong... so maybe we better start a war on post it notes.
Here's a nice story. A dog saved her human friend and guardian from a cougar. Sweet.
Cheetah catches gazelle in the air - YouTube

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
90 seconds of SPEED - YouTube
110km/h Cheetah attack gazelle - YouTube
Cheetah feeds her cubs - BBC wildlife - YouTube
Cheetah Purring - YouTube
Keep in mind these cats are an endangered species. Ther ones you see in captivity in the videos are slated for release into the wild. Good thing because it would be a shame for these marvelous creatures to go extinct