The Best Star Trek series


New member
Aug 9, 2010
Following the success of the Star Trek movies in the mid 1980s, the producers decided to put Star Trek dvd back on the small screen with a shiny new Enterprise a new crew and a whole host of new species worlds and enemies. The first season and the majority of the second season are a bit shaky but from the third season it picks up massively. Patrick Stewart is now the captain, a more cerebral, diplomatic captain and played wonderfully. Star Trek dvdintroduced far more relationships between the crew (Troi and Riker, Worf and his son, Crusher and Picard) which play out beautifully over the course of the series. The Special effects considering their now nearly 15-20 years old still look good and the Enterprise D is a true flagship vessel.

There's so many good episodes it's kind of hard to pick out anymore than the main standouts most people have mentioned already, Yesterday's Enterprise, The Best of Both Worlds, The Inner Light are probably the most popular but everything, certainly post seasons one and two provides good solid sci fi.