Ten of cups and ace of swords in relationship reading?


New member
Jun 28, 2008
I had this guy who was my very best friend in the whole world and then he made a move on me and we did some stuff and then the relationship totally and completely fell apart. I got raped a year ago and I guess I really haven't recovered and I yelled at him a lot and called way too many times. When we were friends we literally never fought but then...once our relationship got more complex I just started taking out all my anger on him.
He's given me lots of mixed signals. When I first got mad at him I said Get out of my life!! And he said I'm not going to get out of your life!! Now I've slowly broken him down I guess I keep getting mad, I'll apologize but then I'll mess up again.
2 weeks ago he wanted to hang out. Then 3 days ago he came over and we smoked and he said it's not okay I always cuss him out and I need to leave him alone and move on. He hung out with me for 2 hours like everything was fine before he said that- he said it right after he smoked. I said ok I understand, I'll never bother you again, we were on the roof, he had all his stuff but he followed me in my apartment. I said why did you follow me, I get it, Ill never bother you again you were very clear. Then I went to my room, he followed me in there he said I just want to make sure we're perfectly clear and you won't call me again. I was crying cause I didn't want him to see my room cause it was messy and i didnt understand why he thought i didn't hear him the first time.
well i called him the next day like ten times cause he wouldn't pick up because I don't know why i guess im addicted to calling. he said if you call me again ill get a restraining order. From once he said that I truly did not think of it again, I cried and I thought I will really move on now, especially because he was never been mean before cause he also called me a bitch when he said this and was really, really mean.
So then today my other friend said he was talking about me. This happen before, I got a new boyfriend and then I heard he was talking about me a lot. He said he'd take out a restraining order against me I don't understand why he is talking about me what else is there left to say about all this. And the way my friend was talking I feel like he knew it was going to get back to me. I feel like pulling my hair out!! lol j/k but it's a heartbreaking situation cause he was truly my best friend and we hung out every day with no drama before we hooked uo so of course i want there to be hope on a certain level but he said he's going to take out restraining order if i call him again so im like hello i need to move on right!!!!
I took a celtic spread for the future of this relationship. I get 10 of cups as best possible outcome. Ace of Swords as outcome. Two of Cups as general energy but ten of wands as what opposes us. I'm never going to contact him again (I've had legal problems before and when he said restraining order I truly listened) so yeah but i just got off the phone with my friend who said he apparently had a lot to say about me so...yeah i guess im thinking what the fuck is gonna happen? or is it over for sure now??