Telus Mobility Handsets on a two year contract.?


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I'm having a really hard time getting a free or cheap handset with Telus Mobility on a Two Year contract. I really hate the idea of signing a three year contract.

I'm looking at the Blackberry Curve 8530 which is listed at 0$ on a three year and 250$ on a two year. Something wrong here. But yet they are giving the 8330 for free on a two year???

Can anyone help me out here, has anyone succeeded in getting a better handset on a two year plan with Telus? My Girlfriend just picked up the Rogers 8520 on a two year for 49$, why can't Telus match it? I'm starting to think I should just switch to Rogers, less headaches!
I totally agree with not signing a 3 year contract since most phones/devices won't last that long. Very few people get deep discounts on handsets. Only those who are longtime clients AND spend $250+ per line per month can get better deals. For the average user it is more likely to get discounted or free add-on features with a little negotiation and this can add up to a better deal in the long run. Let's use 'Caller ID and Unlimited Text' as one example; $15 a month X 24 months = $360 (plus tax) in savings over your 2 year contract.
If you can get a couple of free features then the savings will make up for what you paid out to get the handset that you really want. Plus the fact that they will probably give you the same features for free again when you renew your next contract.