Teen decides to blow up school so he can kill Jesus.

Why can't these people just kill themselves and be done with it? Why do they have to take others with them? As far as I'm aware, suicide and homicide are traditionally good ways of not going to Heaven.

Bit of an oversight on his part.
hang on, was he trying to build a nuclear weapon? sounds like it...

At least it's better than you common or garden domestic bomber. yikes!
He's clearly not thought this through. In the extremely unlikely event that he did go to heaven after blowing up a school there's still the isue of how he would kill Jesus. And if Jesus was killed whilst in heaven, where would Jesus end up going after that?

Seriously though - I agree with Cathain. Why is it these nutters always have to make plans that involve hurting innocent bystanders in the process?
There is some free E-books you can download on Limewire ETC that tells you how to make them. Some have bits missing.

You can find the Anatchist cookbook and the better version entitled "How to send a car to hell" which goes into making bombs/explosives. But you could with some searching find information regarding explosives. As for WMD's, you will be suprised how easy it was for a young boy to gather enough radioactive material to cause the US department to take down the shed and bury it in a landfill some years ago.

So the WMD aspect could be plausable.
Any bomb is classed as a WMD. He wasn't building a nuke. He was arrested after placing an order for a large amount of ammonium nitrate.
Plus the fact that he's a deity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit trinity thingy) weighs very much in Jesus' favour.
Following from what MD said building a nuke could not be done in your garden shed... he was trying to build conventional bombs not a nuke.
He'd just tire him out turning the other cheek. The devil would have been a better challenge and bombing people would fit the demagraphic of those in Hell. Poor kid never really thought this through did he?
But could Jesus have Ryu or Ken? I don't know what he's got that could handle the Hurricane kick or dragon punch!!
The fight is all hype, he would be judged from a far and sent packing to burn in hell forever, leaving us humble fight fans in the dark once again.
Awesome! How creative! They should reward his creativity by giving him a gun with one bullet and putting him in a bulletproof room and letting him blow his freakin brains out.
God dammit, why do these people never think about the fine detail? I mean, I sympathise- I'd have quite liked to have blown up my school, and jesus and I don't really get on. But you just lose all sympathy when you realise how stupid he is.